Quy định chung của EU về bảo vệ thực vật

 Sau đây là một số quy định (bằng tiếng Anh):

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EU Regulation 2009-1107

New EU rules to speed up food safety approval for exotic fruits and new foods

Council Directive 2000/29/EC Measures against introduction of harmful organism to plants into Community

EPPO Summaries of Phytosanitary Regulation

EPPO Standards of quanrantine pest

Commision Directive 2004.31.EC admending annex I.II. III. IV.V of Directve 2000.29.EC

Commision Directive 2004.102.EC admending annex II. III. IV.V of Directve 2000.29.EC

Commision directive 2008.61.EC establishing condition under plant &plant product introduced into Community

Commision directve 2008.109.EC admending annex IV to Council directive 2000.29.EC

Commision Regulation 345.2000 on import of organic agricultral product

Commission Directive 98.22.EC on plant health check

Council Directive 98.56.EC on ornamental plants

Council Directive 2002.89.EC on protective measures to harmful organism to plant

Council Regulation No 33897 on the protection of wild fauna and flora

Website: http://ec.europa.eu/food/plant/organisms/index_en.htm

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